Before embarking on promotion, you need to understand what we will work with. This applies both to the external environment of the site (competitors, market situation) and the site itself.
1. Search and analysis of competitors
Search and analysis of competitors – this is what you should start with any actions on the site. He will help us to build a strategy for further work, based on the reference example of those who have already achieved the goal we need – to take positions in the TOP. Earlier in this article we discussed in detail how to properly study our competitors.
2. Audience analysis
We study the target audience: who needs our product, who buys it most often, what needs from potential customers? This will help us to further focus the content of the site to the interests of customers.
For research on audience please click here
We also study the demand for goods with the help of the service Vordstat. After all, it may happen that we bring a completely new product or service to the market, and users are not looking for it at all.
And Vordstat will help us identify the seasonality of demand in the tab “History of requests.”
History of requests in Yandex. Wordstate
At this time
Independent express site audit
After we have studied with whom it is necessary to fight for the TOP and what is the situation around, it’s time to start the analysis of our site.
Statistics counters
First of all, we recommend installing three statistics counters: Yandex.Metrica, Google Analytics.
Why so much? Because if suddenly you install one of the counters incorrectly, or a failure occurs, the others will show you the correct information. In addition, these services have slightly different capabilities. For example, according to user feedback on the Web, it is still easier to use the Metric, it is much clearer, and there is a Webvisor in it. But Google Analytics is a necessary tool for online stores, as it provides more detailed reports for e-commerce and more end-to-end analytics.
3. Yandex.Metrica
The metric will help you easily understand how many visitors came to your site from various sources: search engines, external links, advertising. You will also find out which pages the users visit, see the percentage of bounces, compare traffic in different periods.
4. Google Analytics

In fact, Google Analytics is much cooler than Yandex. Metrics: it provides more detailed statistics, allows you to adjust the value of the conversion, and much more. So professional webmasters more often use this tool. Detailed instructions for setting up the counter and goals here.
Google Analytics Click here
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