Today there are lots of open source CMS like wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, etc., wordpress one of the best open source CMS for website development. Almost 500 fortune company are using wordpress cms. WordPress is more convenient for blog website, news website, music websites, dynamic informative websites and also e commerce websites.
Update the Plugins and WordPress CMS
WordPress is an open source CMS, which regularly update their security and if you are not using file locking system then wordpress automatically updated . So keep if are using file lock system then update wordpress manually because new wordpress will more advanced the previous one.
Theer are 1000 of wordpress themes and plugins which are updated regularly so also update plugins and theme if required.
After updated wordpress you website security will enhance automatically. And always use current version of wordpress now wordpress 5.2 is current version of wordpress.
Always Use Strong Password & File Permission
Most of websites are hacked due to weak password that any one can quest easly . Always use the combination of (At least one capital letter, At least one number, At least one special characters, Must 10-16 characters minimum). Never user sequence or guessable password like Admin@123
, 123456, 987654321, etc .
Al least change index.php file itnto 444(file permission code) because lots of hackers hacked only index.php page if you don’t have file locking system then you can change the index.php file permission and prevent fro hacking you website.
Web Hosting Role In Hacking
Hosting also may one them reason to hack you website. So regularly scan you hosting from visus using cpanel. In india there are lots of hosting provider but we refer to godaddy hosting is safe and fast opening.
- Hosting provider should continuously monitor hosting or suspicious activity.
- Hosting should have anti DDOS attack scanner
- Always use separate ip, don’t use shared ip address
Always Use SSL/HTPS
Always use SSL certificate it’s create virtual connection between server and browser. It also improves website speed.
Google chrome shows not secure if you don’t have integrated ssl certificate in your website. If you have E commerce website then SSL id compulsory for you website because lots of payment gateways service provide will not provide you their gateway without ssl website.
Never Use Default User Name “Admin”
Never using default admin user name. Always use different user name because admi user make hacker to do brute force attacks.
Always create new username delete old username which is auto created .
Disable file Editing Rule From WordPress
Always disable file editing from wordpress admin panel. Nobody can write you file without access you hosting panel so keep always file not editable.
So always hire top website designing company in Noida. otherwise you will face lots of issue while creating you wordpress website.